Graphic Design Portfolio


Framed glass painting of desert botanical plants surround logo hanging on wall

Reverse Glass Paintings 

Sonoran Rosie - Artwork around logo & custom painting


Postcard and small packages with product logo and cactus illustration

Packaging & Merchandise Design

MICA Perfume - Packaging design

Sigfus - Packaging design 

The Queen Mama Co. - Packaging design 


La Vida Taprut  - Sticker designs


Beer bottles with label featuring a mushroom and glasses of beer

Labels & Promotional Artwork

Crooked Tooth Brewing Co.  - Beer label

Crooked Tooth Brewing Co.  - Pride t-shirt design 

Four Peaks Brewing Co. - Promotional artwork 

Pinnacle Prevention - Van wrap artwork


Hand drawn logo graphic of small pom poms and earrings with text 'Pom Pom Desert'

Logo & Branding


Pom Pom Desert - Logo

Hall’s Customs - Logo 

Tucson CSA - Logo art

Desert Sol Collective -Logo art

Hand drawn map of Tucson in dusty pink and neutral colors


Map Making

Creative Kind & Remedes + Richewels - Tucson's Creative Hot Spots & Shop Local Map


Screenprinted pink tote bag and bouquet of flowers, bath bombs, ceramic mug and natural plant dyed scarf arranged on the ground

Other Projects


Tucson Botanical Collection A collection of endeavors handcrafted be revolving Tucson creatives that incorporate botanical elements from their surroundings

Studio Table - Menu art for a curated dinner at The Joshua Tree House Posada

Arizona Hatters - Design for hat lining, including mountain lion, jack rabbit, and baby saguaro 

Krista Nicole - Ice dyed handkerchief


 Product Photos by Brenden Rohrbacher

Joshua Tree House Photos by Margaret Austin
Bedroom with wicker hamper with shirts, stool and botanical prints hanging on the wall
Curated dinner table with flowers, menu and place setting against wooden table